Thursday 4 July 2013

Dark Knight Rises Bane coat

Dark Knight Rises (2012) is one of the greatest movies released in 2012. It was released in New York City on 16th of June, 2012. Christian Bale has played the famous superhero character of Bruce Wayne / Batman and against him; the role of villain was reprised by Tom Hardy as Bane. Coming up with a villain against a superhero is always very difficult for the story writers, and in Dark Knight Rises, Christopher Nolan (the director of the movie) came with Bane. For highlighting his appearance, the fashion designers came up Bane coat and since its arrival; it has set the world on fire! is proud to present to you Dark Knight Rises Bane Coat made up of quality Synthetic leather lined with shearling. Click here for more information and/or to buy Dark Knight Rises Bane Coat from Jjacket.

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